Sublime Style Reggae Chord Riff

By Eric Hufschmid


Hey reggae fans,

In today’s lesson we’ll be putting those reggae chords to good use, this time in the style of 90′s reggae/ska powerhouse Sublime. This band met a tragic end but not before creating some classic hits, many of which use the simple triad voicing of our reggae chords. We really hope you enjoy this Sublime inspired riff!

So enjoy the lesson guys!


Master this riff and you’ll be ready to move on.


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2 Comments to “Sublime Style Reggae Chord Riff”
  1. hjtghkhjkghjghj;op' says:

    video stops playing after 9 seconds.

    sorry for leaving so many messages but i figure then you can fix the broken ones.

    put them all on youtube or something. this other player is messed.

    thanks for the lessons.

  2. totosite says:

    I’m writing on this topic these days, totosite, but I have stopped writing because there is no reference material. Then I accidentally found your article. I can refer to a variety of materials, so I think the work I was preparing will work! Thank you for your efforts.

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