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Power Chord Embellishments

By Darren DeFranco


Hey guys,

In today’s lesson we’re going to look at popular power chord embellishments. Perhaps by this point in your guitar career you’ve grown bored of standard power chords, so today we’ll show you a few notes you can add in and change to make your power chords sound more interesting, dramatic, and darker. It’s super easy and has worked well for a ton of bands including My Chemical Romance, Weezer, and more.

Take your time, and enjoy the lesson!


Now that you understand the embellishments you can add, try improvising with them over a chord progression. Here are a few to get you started:

D – A – G – B minor
G – E minor – C – D
A minor – F – D minor – G


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One Comments to “Power Chord Embellishments”
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