Play It All With Root 4 Melody Chords
Hey guys,
Today we’re going to learn some of the most important chord shapes a jazz player needs to know. Often, a jazz guitarist plays chords on the top four strings with the highest notes of these chords creating the melody. The effect is that the guitarist plays rhythm, lead, the chords, and the melody all at the same time! This is great for smaller combos where each player needs to step it up in order to fill out space. Today we’re going to show you the main types of 7th chords.
Enjoy the lesson guys!
Memorize these new root 4 melody chords. Then, try to identify and play the following chords: A major 7, D minor 7, G minor 7 b5, and B7. For some serious extra credit, use the chords to arrange a chord melody song of your own!
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