Blues Soloing Essentials – Moving Pentatonics

By Darren DeFranco


Hey guys,

Today we’ve got another super important lead blues lesson. We’re going to discuss how to take change which pentatonic scale we’re using depending on what chord is being played. This is actually a super simple concept to grasp. Basically, over an A chord we’d use A pentatonics, a D chord we’d use D pentatonics, etc. But applying it is another! One important thing to understand – this isn’t something you need to do in every circumstance. This is simply another trick in your soloing arsenal.

Good luck, and have fun guys!


Head over to our blues jam tracks and identify the chords. Then, play its respective pentatonic scale over each chord to improvise a solo.


One Comments to “Blues Soloing Essentials – Moving Pentatonics”
  1. hjtghkhjkghjghj;op' says:

    video stops playing at 1:28 FUCK

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