A Family of Chords
What’s up everybody?
Congrats on getting through your first family of chords! Only a couple more to go until we can play some full on songs! Today we’re looking at the A family of chords which includes three new chords, A major, A minor, and A7. A major should be the toughest of the bunch because you have to smush three fingers on one fret, but with a little practice it shouldn’t be a problem. Also, start to identify patterns in chords. You’ll notice that E major has the same shape as A minor, just a string lower.
Here are a few exercises to help practice your new chord family:
1) A – A minor – A7
2) A7 – A – A minor
3) E – A minor – A
E minor – A7 – E7 – A minor
As soon as you have those transitions mastered, you’ll be ready to move on to the next lesson!
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